October 2, 2014
Great Lakes Climate Resources
Great Lakes Climate is an effort of the OSU Climate Change Outreach Team, a partnership among multiple departments within The Ohio State University to help localize the climate change issue by bringing research and resources to Great Lakes residents. The website offers a curated and annotated collection of Great Lakes climate change resources to educators, government officials, community planners, and the general public, to help them adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change in the Great Lakes region.
Funding for the website was provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The site was developed and is maintained by the Ohio Sea Grant College Program.
The Ohio State University Climate Change Outreach Team
Ohio Sea Grant & Stone Laboratory
Office of Research
Ohio Supercomputer Center
OSU Extension
School of Environment and Natural Resources
Extension Watershed Program
Byrd Polar Research Center
Department of Geography
Department of Agricultural, Environmental & Development Economics
Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal Biology
Carbon, Water & Climate Program