

Quiring on Matthew

Steven Quiring predicting power outages before Hurricane Matthew hits Florida.

Atmospheric Sciences Professor Steven Quiring was featured on the 11 o'clock NBC4 news talking about his efforts to model power outages due to eminent large scale weather events. Dr. Quiring is…


Welcome to Steven Quiring

Chaiman O'Kelly reports that we have successfully completed the process for Steven Quiring to join us as a Professor in the fall. He will be bringing several members of his graduate student team.…


Congratulations to Seth Warthen

Congratulations to Seth Warthen who successfully passed his MS exam on May 31'st ! Seth's thesis is entitled "Recreating the Late Ordovician Glaciation using the University of Victoria Earth…


Brutus in Derby Hall for Campus Campaign Event

Brutus came to Derby Hall on Friday 4/22 at 3:00 in support of the University’s Campus Campaign! Derby Hall had been randomly selected for him to visit during the campaign. He was here from 3 – 3:…


Congratulations to Christian Feliciano-Camacho

Please join us in congratulating Christian Feliciano who successfully defended his Masters Thesis today.  The title of Christian’s thesis is “The Impact of Dry Air on the Location of Tornado…


Successful 20'th Annual Severe Weather Symposium:

On Friday March 4, 2016, The Meteorology Club held its annual Severe Weather Symposium. This year was the 20’Th time that the Symposium was held and it drew a large crowd to the US Bank Theater at…


ASP Allumni Andy Monaghan Spotlight

Atmospheric Sciences Allumni Andy Monaghan is featured in this ASC Spotlight Article.

ASC Spotlight article about ASP Alumni Andy Monaghan.

Link to New York Times article where Andy…

High level photo of Hurricane Katrina, to represent hurricanes and tropical weather.

OSU Atmospheric Sciences Tenure-Track Faculty Position

The Department of Geography at The Ohio State University is seeking applications for an anticipated tenure-track position in meteorology/climatology at the Assistant or Associate Professor level,…

Ariel Cohen

NBC 4 Interview with ASP Alumni Ariel Cohen.

Worthington native and OSU Atmospheric Sciences Program Alumni Ariel Cohen was interviewed by NBC 4 at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center in Norman, OK.
Ariel now works as a…