Jeffery Rogers

Jeffery Rogers

Jeffery Rogers

Emeritus Professor

(614) 292-0148

1036 Derby Hall

Areas of Expertise

  • Atmospheric Science
  • Climate Variability


  • Ph.D., 1979, University of Colorado (Geography)
  • M .S., 1974, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (Geography)
  • B.S., 1972, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee (Appl. Math/Physics)

Current CV: Download (PDF)

Interests: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Variability, State Climatologist

Current Research: Research focuses on U.S. and Arctic climate variability of the last century. It seeks causes of the century long climatic cooling over the Southeastern United States and the national diurnal temperature range decline. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation's role in Arctic climate and summertime Beaufort Sea ice declines is also explored.

Courses Taught: 
Geography 1900-Earth Systems II: "The Atmospheric Environment"
Geography 5900-Climatology
Geography 5940-Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory
Geography 5941-Synoptic Meteorology: "Synoptic Analysis and Forecasting"
Geography 5942-Synoptic Meteorology: "Severe Storm Forecasting"
Geography 8901-Seminar: Problems in Climatology,
Geography 8960-Seminar: Special Problems in Physical Geography
Geography 8902-Applied Climatology

Select Publications: 
Rogers, J.C., and M.-P. Hung, 2008. The Odden Ice Feature of the Greenland Sea and its association with atmospheric pressure, wind, and surface flux variability from reanalysis. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L08504, doi:10.1029/2007GL032938.

Rogers, J.C., Wang, S.-H., and J.S.M. Coleman, 2007. Evaluation of a long-term (1882-2005) equivalent temperature time series. Journal of Climate, 20 (17), 4476-4485.

Coleman, J.S.M., and J.C. Rogers, 2007. A synoptic climatology of the central United States and associations with Pacific teleconnection pattern frequency. J. Climate., 20, 3485-3497.

McHugh, M.J., and J.C. Rogers, 2005: Multi-model representation of the North Atlantic Oscillation in the 20th and 21st centuries. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L21713, doi:10.1029/2005GL023679.

Rogers, J.C., Yang, L. and L. Li, 2005: The role of Fram Strait winter cyclones on sea ice flux and on Spitsbergen air temperatures. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L06709, doi:10.1029/2004GL022262. March 28.