


Dr. Jay Hobgood comments on Ohio weather phenomena.

As reported in College News, Dr. Jay Hobgood has been in the news explaining two aspects of Ohio weather:

"So, yeah, Tuesday was spring. Now, it's winter again. Weather guys explain why,"…

TV Raffle

TV Raffle Drawing supporting the Met Club and the 2018 Symposium.

The Meteorology Club raffle drawing has been extended to Valentine’s Day, Feb 14. TV RAFFLE FLYER 2018 extended drawing date 2-14-18.pdf
Tickets are available in the Geography office until 12…


22'nd Annual Severe Weather Symposium

Time to register for the 22'nd Annual Severe Weather Symposium put on by the OSU Metclub.

The 22nd Annual Severe Weather Symposium will be held on March 9th, 2018 from 8am-5pm in the US Bank…


Connecting Farmers to Real-Time Weather:

“Climate change poses a major challenge to Ohio agriculture, which is why the new State Climate Office of Ohio (SCOO), a team of experts from the Department of Geography and the Byrd Polar and…


BIG DATA for good

Steven Quiring’s work is featured in the May/June edition of the OSU Alumni Magazine. The article is titled “Big data for good” and it is about TDA-related research. The reference is on page 11.…


21'st Annual Severe Weather Symposium



Register Here

See the program below.



Impressive Accomplishment by ASP Undergraduate Matthew Campbell

We would like to share some good news sent to us by an Alumni of our Atmospheric Sciences Program Dr. Ariel E. Cohen, Meteorologist NOAA/NWS/NCEP/Storm Prediction Center, Adjunct Assistant…


Meteorology Club Bake Sale

The OSU Meteorology Club is having a bake sale today Feb. 10 from 9am to 5pm in the East Stairwell of Derby Hall, come on out and get some goodies and support the Meteorology Club.


Bryan Mark Receives Connect and Collaborate Grant

Bryan Mark, professor of geography and State Climatologist of Ohio, has been awarded a 2016 Connect and Collaborate grant of $45,000, from Ohio State Extension, the Office of Energy and…